Sunday, October 29, 2006

Welcome to the path to the Sea...

Well, here we are. This is the site where we can all keep in touch, post notices and announcements, give notice of absences etc. If you meet others who are keen to get in on the action, make sure they understand they need to be committed, and then give them ther link.

Everyone should check this blog often to ensure nothing important is missed regarding the weekly meetings. So with that in mind, lets work together, communicate often, and lets get our asses to the sea!


Blogger Astara said...

Everone can comment within this link. Each Sunday evening i will post the details of the next event scheduled for the following week and narnia will update the lsmes. Within each new post is where you must post any announcements. ^^

12:26 PM, October 29, 2006  

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