Looking to the future...
So now that we have accomplished our goal of completing Chains of Promathia (albeit not entirely), we have arrived at a place where we can decide to continue onto newer goals or not. The point of this post is for everyone in the linkshell to post thier thoughts/feeling on what they wish to do in the slots we have reserved in the past for CoP progression.
Notorious Monsters.
Sea Farming for Obi's. Or a multitide of things anyone may have been wanting to do. Our group is truly unique as we are a mix of highly dependable players who wish to see everyone progress quickly. The last option is for us to bow out and say goodbye, leaving with a million fond memories. Please post your wishes in this post so we can start determining the future for OnebyOne.
There truly is a vast multitude of things we can still do if people wish too including:
CoP Mission "Storms of Fate"
http://wiki.ffxiclopedia.org/Storms_of_FateCoP Mission "Shadows of The Departed"
http://wiki.ffxiclopedia.org/Shadows_of_the_DepartedCoP Mission "Apocalypse Nigh"
http://wiki.ffxiclopedia.org/Apocalypse_NighCoP Final Missions "The Last Verse"
The Treasures of Aht Urghan Missions.
Notorious Monsters.
Sea Farming for Obi's. Or a multitide of things anyone may have been wanting to do. Our group is truly unique as we are a mix of highly dependable players who wish to see everyone progress quickly. The last option is for us to bow out and say goodbye, leaving with a million fond memories. Please post your wishes in this post so we can start determining the future for OnebyOne.
-- Astara
So im getting the feeling I'm the only one checking the site now....well anyway let us know whats everyones plans soon.
Thankyou :3
I"m definitely interested in getting through Post-CoP and sky missions... although i still need to finish sky...
Assault/AU static is good too... maybe we can setup 2 days in the week to do assaults.. i.e. (wednesday and sunday nights) or whichever works for every1
Finallly a response! <3 Sy!
Yeah finishing sky > cop sounds like a plan since we are already a well rounded group who know/ trust eachother enough to do well with a few added helpers. Wes should all be upto Divine Might in Sky/sea now if im not mistaken?
If so, I think that would be the best way to go (unless others are still yet to get access to sky)
we should all*
sorry for not posting earlyer, things have been hectic IRL ( i baught a 2006 lancer evolution MR though ^^)
i would really like to continue this group into post COP, as well as the various ToAU area's. we cant do salvage with 6, but we can run an assult group as well as nyzul isle.
also we have a whole new story line to explore that is being updated fairly regualerly which should keep us busy, as well as the ashu talif BCNm i would love to get a static for that as well.
All good ideas!! Congrats on the Lancer Grim!!! :D)
So I think the best idea is for us to finish CoP to get our earrings and then eitehr seek greater help to get to the VERY end or move onto ToAU.
If everyone sok with that idea i can post on main page the next mission details.
Narnia {Can I Have It?} {Where?}
I'm down for most anything. Sorry didn't post sooner, haven't been on much lately.
... Woot! congratulations guys^^ You've done great^^ It is a shame i couldnt ride all the way to the top with you, but at least i got to share part of the journey. I've been off FFXI on a forced break for the last two months, had to sort out some problems I'd been having in real-life. Personal stuff, but its starting to head in the right direction, I'll be getting back ingame sometime this month, so I'll see you guys around^^ Ciao, and speak to you all, hopefully, soon. ^^
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