Monday, October 30, 2006

Mission 3-5 'Darkness Named' preperation.

How is everone? Hope you are all well and truly into the pre-requisite missions for the Diabolos fight this Sunday afternoon.

While completing the missions, I suggest you follow either of these guides >>>
Erecia's Guide to All Things Chains of Promathia

or FFxincylopaedia Chains of Promathia Missions

These guides are immensely useful and will get you through them w/out a problem. PLEASE be sure to have these missions done BEFORE Sunday and we cant stress this enough! All up from where we left off after 2-5 until the start of 3-5 should take you at least 5-6 hours of running around completeing all of the steps and cutscenes.

Now....................onto the mission we are undertaking this following Sunday.

As you know after our awesome success of 2-5 we are now able to take on Diabolos! All up this fight 'should' be much simpler if everyone has done thier preperation and READ THE SUGGESTED GUIDES WE HAVE LINKED :P

Before the actual capped fight (40) we must go and farm coloured chips and require 1 for each member of the party. I would suggest soloing this before hand, however the Diremites and other carrying mobs are all lvl 45+ and may prove difficult to solo for most members. However, if you have time or a helping hand then by all means please visit Pso'xja and obtain one before Sundays meeting time.

*Note: this section is directly sourced from*

Getting the Pso'Xja Pass
-Complete all missions and all steps upto 3-5.
-Go to Upper Jeuno and talk to Monberaux in the Infirmary.
-Go to Lower Jeuno and talk to Ghebi Damomohe at I-7.
-Go to one of the uncapped Pso'Xja towers to farm chips, as for the later Chips quest. For this mission, each player only needs one, it doesn't matter which color (Gray Chip, Carmine Chip, Cyan Chip).
-Head back to Jeuno and trade your chip to Ghebi Damomohe in exchange for 500 Gil and a Pso'Xja pass (key item).

Once everyone has a chip we will return to Jeuno for the key item and then gear up for the lvl. 40 cap in our proper jobs. From here on the mission walkthrough is highly detailed in the guides so please consult them until you know them off by heart.

Lastly: I think its a good idea that everyone post thier available jobs (above lvl 40) in the comments section of this post so that we know what we have to work with on the day for farming and the capped fight. See the comment link at the end of this post for my example.

On ThursdayI will post based on everyones comments what the party setup will be, time to meet and what supplies to bring etc after discussing with you all during the week. So please comment now so we can organise strategies and work out any problems well before Sunday so we can make the event as smooth as possible with as little wasted time as we can :D

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Success! 2-5 Ancient Vows: Completed!

Congratulations everyone who attended todays static run and for obtaining Chapter 3 : A Transient Dream. Officially Narnia, Syano, Astara, Shintaro, and Odjaru are well on thier way to sea. A big thankyou goes out to Captsassypants for being our impromptu tank when the originally slated one was a no-show.

Next Sunday will see us attempt Diabolos in 3-5 'Darkness Named'. For now, everyone should get all the pre-requisites done by the end of the week, and these guides attatched are an excellent source of information on how to fly through the missions by Sunday!

Stay tuned for updates as I will gather everyones availability and job setups thru the week. Hope to see you all this week!

P.S: If anyone has screenies they would like me to post, please send them too me at and I'll get em up asap!

Welcome to the path to the Sea...

Well, here we are. This is the site where we can all keep in touch, post notices and announcements, give notice of absences etc. If you meet others who are keen to get in on the action, make sure they understand they need to be committed, and then give them ther link.

Everyone should check this blog often to ensure nothing important is missed regarding the weekly meetings. So with that in mind, lets work together, communicate often, and lets get our asses to the sea!