Sunday, November 05, 2006

Success! 3-5 Darkness Named: Completed!

Fantastic, what a dream run! Absolutely flawless Transient Dreamers the lot of us!...if you forget about the inital dry run....whats that, what dry run you ask?-- exactly! *taps nose*
So after the inital, and apparantly now weekly standard curse of plans seemingly perfectly in place well before the scheduled meeting time only to have it fall apart, the ninja tank we had acquired *____insert own rude comment here___* decided for some reason why I was d/c that he would no longer be joining us. Nothing more needs to be said on that one *coughonrylvl33ninjacough* XD
However, thanks to some fast fingers and gallant bond makings Shintaro managed to secure us Daakpunk who was more than happy to assist the demise of the Dream maker, Diabolos himelf.
Putting it simply...we went in, kicked ass, went home, celebrated :D
As you can see in the screenshot above, our HP was near perfect at his death and we just scraped in mere seconds after the record! We are growing together as a force to be reckoned with as we power through these missions!! Good work team! See you all again soon!

Linkshell Notice: Next weeks meeting time will not be used for mission progression as myself will be absent due to final exams at University, Odjaru requires a week off, and Others need to raise job levels to the new level 50 cap for the missions of chapter 4. However, I believe Narnia had an idea to organise an Aqueducts subligar run in the scheduled timeslot instead. I will be contact with each of you throughtout the week to determine your needs and availability before we progress further. Have a great week ya'll and keep checking /lsmes and this site for news!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good job guys!

Finally broadened our horizon that much more with new areas! Look like we need mage heavy on this one... 2xSMN (which we already have), NIN/tank(?), RDM, BLM, 1xDD(maybe thf or another tank to help keep hate away from mages?)

I'm going to lvl whm to 50 and start lvling RDM... it's only 15 atm >< but we have at least a couple of weeks :P

9:02 PM, November 05, 2006  
Blogger Astara said...

Yeah was a great fight!

I was thinking we could go as:
Astara + Odjaru: SMN (2 x astral flow)
Shintaro + Narnia: RNG (Eagle Eye Shot pwns)
Syano: BLM (sleep spam ftw)
Daakpunk maybe: NIN

I will post some strats on page tomorrow and things to do by two mondays from now :D

10:02 PM, November 05, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This weekend I'd like to get the Hippogryph farming out of the way for the mistmelts. If you guys are interested, while we are up there we can check on the NM Carmine Dobson Fly. Drops include Voyager Sallet, Jaeger Ring, and Dobson Bandana. The more SMN the better!!! Blm with Sleepga is good too. Respond to this post if you think you can come.

5:12 PM, November 08, 2006  
Blogger Astara said...

Wish I could be there guys! Lucky I have 1 feather already in storage so hopefully I can pick my second up from a bazaar.

Wish you best luck! See you the next week

11:16 PM, November 08, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi guys, GJ on last mission!!
i think we all should keep an eye out for a tank and since 4-2 does take preparation/farming, the sooner we get one, the faster we'll be ready for ouryu.
If anyone finds a tank, please keep us posted here.

12:22 PM, November 10, 2006  

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