Sunday, February 25, 2007

Airship Fight round 2~~!!!

Okay we may have needed a just a lil more practice but you know how it goes, dry run ftw everytime!! Next week Odj will be away so we are re-scheduling the next attempt for Sunday week. That is Sunday March 11th at 1pm EST.
This will give everyone 14 days to prepare, farm new pumps, and read read read as many guides and ask as many ls buddies for any strategies that will secure us an easy win next time. We have the man power, we just need to tighten our game to suceed!!
Have a good mini-break and we will see you all very soon!!

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Chapter 6 Preperation GO!

This chapter and this week’s task is relatively straight-forward and thankfully the groundwork of strat planning etc has on the most part been thoroughly detailed in most CoP guides. However, as expected there are MANY preliminary CS’s that we are required to complete before we undertake the fated “Airship Battle of Doom!”….

Missions 1-3 are simple; however mission 2 involves the killing of a mini NM fight at the Dilapidated gate in Misareaux Coast at I-11. This fight is not so easy that you can solo easily as there are 3 NM’s that pop and you will most likely need some help to kick their ass as they hit hard, and fast if you are unable to sleep them.

The best advice for CS and NM fight prior to Mission 4 can be found here.

Now onto the BIG fight for Mission 4….”One To Be Feared”

Hands down Erecia’s CoP guide has the most comprehensive and useful information for this mission and I recommend everyone read it, at least a dozen times, memorize it, read it again, recite it in your sleep, and use it as toilet paper!! However the second link is also good for strategy summaries!

This fight is huge. No question.
We need CCB Polymers and we need a SHITELOAD of meds so I hope everyone has been able to rake the gil in this week. At this point I will leave all the rest open for discussion to make sure everyone reads the guides and gains an idea then posts here for open forum. We can do this!! Get chatting people!

Chapter 5 COMPLETE!~! All right!

Once again another flawless victory upon victory for the all glorious OneByOne static!! With assistance from two new comrades, we managed to destroy the mangy Mithran Sin Hunters and reign supreme and followed through with a faultless attack on the abhorrent Snoll Tzar!

As we geared up and headed out to the plane of the Mithran trackers, one anxious member was emanating his anxiety upon us like a creeping chill growing ever stronger. However, the strong will and determination of the hardened group was too great to be wavered by fear and apprehension. Through preparation and wit the group confronted the Mithran Trackers and annihilated them using the skill and prowess of the godly Tarutaru Summoners and their ethereal beasts!

After this absolute victory the group progressed onto the true foe of this chapter in time – Snoll Tzar. Residing in its frozen fissure we approached with burning desire to conquer it true! Victory was assured as we managed to serve its behind to it in a mere minute of veracious rampaging bloodshed.

From this victory the spirits and comradery was thick in the air as we rejoiced and paid tribute to the forsaken Prishe. What will Chapter 6 bring, what fate lies in wait for those seeking the ever eternal path to sea….? Stay tuned as our adventurers sink, ever deeper, into the cold, dark abyss of the unknown.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Mission 5-3 'Ulmia's Path' Ready ... Set ... Go~!

So here we are finally at the end of the mission 5 with just 2 more battles to go until we hit mission 6! We left off the last event with neither of the Tenzen or Louverance paths completed 100% as both required a return to both Pso'Xja and the Mine Shaft for closing Cs's.

Sooo the first thing for everyone to do is complete those legs before next Sunday and ill post the methods here for you....

Tenzens Path:
- Head back to Pso'Xja, entering the tower closest to Batallia Downs at H-10. This area has a level cap of 60.
- Here you need to make it to the elevator in the middle of a vertical maze. Use Silent Oil and Prism Powder here.
- Follow the wall on your right all the way around the outside of the map until you get back to (I-8), then turn west and drop down. Go south into a hallway which leads to the next room, then turn right to face North. The elevator should be visible.
- Once you reach the Elevator make sure that you have sneak and invisible up as again there are Diremites, Pots and a Goblin at the bottom.
- Check the Avatar Gate for a cutscene.
- Talk to Cid in Metalworks for a cutscene.

Louverance Path:
- Head back to the Metalworks, and speak with Cid twice, choosing "Investigate Al'Taieu" when you speak to him the second time.
- Farm one Gold Key per person from the lower level Moblins in Newton Movalpolos.
- Head back to Mine Shaft #2716 and trade the Gold Key to the BC entrance for another cutscene.
- Return to the Metalworks and talk to Cid again for a cutscene, ending this fork.


From here we will all be ready to tackle the final leg of Mission 5 so pleassssse get this all done before Sunday 1pm EST!

Three posts ago I added the links for each leg so scroll down and open the Ulmia's Path to refresh your memories as to what we need to do before and during the leg. Pleade remember this leg also has preliminary cutscenes that must be completed before the BCNMs.

This Sunday we will gather together in Whitegate and head out to Boneyard Gully together as a party to the the LEVEL 50 CAP BCNM fight against the Mithran Trackers.

With Odjaru and Astara as Summoners using 2x Astral Flow at the very beginning will according to all accounts render the Mithran almost dead and would only require short melee until the next SMN AF can be used. However feel free to post strats in the response link as im leaving the options wide open for anyone to provide insight.

After we succeed its off to another BCNM against the fated Snoll Tzar at the Bearclaw Pinnacle where we will all need our 2 hours to win, however it will likely take us that time to reach there and go over strats/dry run etc.

The biggest issue this week is making sure we have enough Shu'Meyo Salts gained from the quest Bomb's Away! which will greatly increase our chances of success (much like the Mistmelts used in Ouryu!). At the moment I have 1 salt but I guess everyone will need 1 as they are rare/ex. Can we only hold 1 Narnia?

Anyway it seems all very straight-forward this week as long as everyone has read up on the mission, BCNM fights, obtained thier salts, and are confident! :D If need be we can spend a short time next Sunday farming Cluster Cores for the salts as they are a garuanteed drops from Bomb Clusters on Mt. Zyhalom (spl?) and will only take a short amount of time if we do it as a group (possibly between the BCNM's).

Just to feed your excitement.... only 3 more group fights until we touch down under the deepest depths of the sea.....1 month or less!!! {Excitement!}

Mission 5-3 Event update...

After successfully completing the first 2 legs as planned, with a little 'assistance' from two random lumps of meat who liked nothing better than random firespits at eachother. Although, it did provide moments of comic relief through the dark and dank depths of Pso'xja.
We gathered together and managed to eventually destroy the Moblin BCNM with ease with the assistance of Kylidon a friendly Ninja. Once we completed the BCNM we decided to put off farming the Golden keys needed to complete the leg which can be done solo.
After that we headed off to Pso'Xja to complete the Tenzen leg of the mission. After a long and trying run through I think we all breathed a collective sigh of relief once we saw the elevator!
From there we followed through the storyline at Jeuno and discovered the lighter side to Wolfgang and his brother, the good doctor of Jeuno. The final part of the event was to finally re-visit the secret laboratory first seen in the opening cutscene of the missions and destroy a giant Disaster Idol.
All in all it was a successsful run and we managed to knock a large chunk of the legs out of the way!

Okay...... enough instant replay!! On to next weeks fun fun fun!!!
