Monday, February 12, 2007

Mission 5-3 Event update...

After successfully completing the first 2 legs as planned, with a little 'assistance' from two random lumps of meat who liked nothing better than random firespits at eachother. Although, it did provide moments of comic relief through the dark and dank depths of Pso'xja.
We gathered together and managed to eventually destroy the Moblin BCNM with ease with the assistance of Kylidon a friendly Ninja. Once we completed the BCNM we decided to put off farming the Golden keys needed to complete the leg which can be done solo.
After that we headed off to Pso'Xja to complete the Tenzen leg of the mission. After a long and trying run through I think we all breathed a collective sigh of relief once we saw the elevator!
From there we followed through the storyline at Jeuno and discovered the lighter side to Wolfgang and his brother, the good doctor of Jeuno. The final part of the event was to finally re-visit the secret laboratory first seen in the opening cutscene of the missions and destroy a giant Disaster Idol.
All in all it was a successsful run and we managed to knock a large chunk of the legs out of the way!

Okay...... enough instant replay!! On to next weeks fun fun fun!!!



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