Sunday, January 14, 2007

SE shoots our static plans in the foot!

Ok I'm In now! FFXI is Live again! See you in game!

Ok Drama rant go!

It seems at 1pm EST SE is undertaking a 3 hour maintenance just to piss us off! It starts at exactly 1pm and is scheduled to finish at 4pm, however I contacted POL and they said it 'should' be complete by 3~3:30pm!

Soooo our options are:

1) Arrive at 3ish pm and get straight into the mission as soon as POL is live again and get as much done as possible in this time frame rememebring that we now no longer need to farm 2 of the three keys.

2) Postpone...again.

I personally have nothing planned after our missions, however its understandable that some members will have pre-set plans. Please point out which option you would like to do!

I will be on at 3pm EST and see where everyone stands! Hope to see you all today at 3.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Syano and I have dynamis, but not til 6est so as long as we can get it done in less than 3 hours we should be ok. Just be ready to go as soon as maintenance is over. Ready to get the going again!!! So I'm for option 1. I've already talked to Odj and Garybaker and Syano and my buddy Kylidon already has done this mission and has a map of area and is willing to fill shins spot for today, unless we can help out somebody else that needs it. See you guys in a couple of hours.

9:09 AM, January 14, 2007  
Blogger Astara said...

Ok im standing by for the crappy maintenance to end now. anyway if you wanna msn me its

11:53 AM, January 14, 2007  

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