Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Mission 4-2 'The Savage' preperation.

Hello everyone of you,

I've taken a few minutes out of exam prep. to get everyone up-to-date with the steps we'll need to take before we are ready to fight the robust Dragon Ouryu....

Before we can start 4-2 you will need to....

Return to Tavnazian Safehold for a cutscene.
Talk to Despachiaire (K-10) on the top floor.
Talk to Justinius (J-6) on the top floor.
Head to Misareaux Coast and inspect the Dilapidated Gate at (I-11).
Tavnazian Safehold AH will now be linked to the Jeuno AH.
You will now be able to do the Lufaise Meadows supplies quest.

Mission Name: 4-2 - The Savage
Locations: Rivernse - Site #B01
Level Cap: 50
Estimated Time: 3-5 hours, depending on farming luck
Medicines Needed: Hi-potions for melee, Yagudo drinks for Smn and Blm
Special Items needed: 2 x Hippogryph Tailfeathers in Riverne for Mistmelts from the quest>> and another Dragonscale from a Pyrodrake for the Unstable displacement (just one for whole party)

So without resorting to cut and paste I strongly suggest reading this guide as it covers much that we need to know >>

So now that we're all wisened on what needs doing to whoop the fat dragons ass this is what needs to be done first:

1) Each member needs a mistmelt so that we can prevent Ouryu from straying into the sky out of reach. We each need to farm 2 Hippogryph Tailfeathers in Riverine for the quest linked above just in case we require multiple attempts. However, I am sure if we all prepare he will be very easy since the most of this fight involves>>> Sleep, Astaral Flow, Sleep, Eagly Eye Shot :P

2) This fight is a level 50 cap. So therefore everyone needs to be at this lvl and have a buffer as deaths are garunteed, or so it would seem, in all things Promathia :D

3) Suggested static job setup:

Astara + Odjaru: SMN (2 x astral flow)
Shintaro + Narnia: RNG (Eagle Eye Shot)
Syano: BLM (sleep spam ftw)
Daakpunk (or other paladin tank for Invincible): NIN or PLD

Other than that, we should be ready by next Sunday to take this mission on! I think Erecia's guide covers everything in detail, but if anyone has any questions please ask among the members!

P.S: dont forget Narnia has organised for a static meet at the usual time of 1pm EST for tailfeather collection and NM fly hunt so come along if you can!! The feathers must be farmed or bought in a bazaar as they are not sellable in the AH. Happy huntings, and see you all next sunday!!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Found a Tank for CoP. Garybaker
Welcome him next time you guys are on. I'll get him a pearl and keep him updated.

9:58 AM, November 12, 2006  
Blogger Astara said...

Nice work!!! :D

How did your feather run go?

1:52 PM, November 12, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

awesome... i hope this tank shows!! lol... and btw, sorry i missed sunday's farming run.. i didn't get up til 2pm pst that day :P... i over slept... alittle

well im gonna be online after 5pm pst most of the days this week... I am definitely game to get some feathers for mistmelts... it won't hurt to overdo it again. is this quest repeatable for multiple mismelts? or can you hold only one at a time?

I was trying to find any info on how much HP Ouryu's Stoneskin is worth and how often he cast them on himself but I can't find anything on it... I hope this is not gonna screw us over since we don't have any Dispel...

send me /tell in game if you guys get online and maybe we can talk more strat/farming/lvling/etc.

12:51 PM, November 13, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know Shin was up in Riverne A01 doing fly run. Said he had two in storage and he'd grab us a few when he was up there. Me and a Buddy are planning a Carmine Dobson Fly run sometime this week so hopefully I can grab a few while we are up there for that. If anybody wants to go up with us I think we are planning to go on Tuesday evening. Let me know if your interested.

4:48 PM, November 13, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tuesday night it is... oh wait.. i'll be on a little later tho.. how long are you guys gonna stay out?

6:14 PM, November 13, 2006  
Blogger Astara said...

Hey everyone!

Officially finished my degree as of yesterday :D How are you all?
Just checking if everyone is still okay for this Sunday to take on 4-2? Let me know!

4:15 PM, November 15, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi guys,
Congrats astara on ur achievement dude!
we didnt kill enough hippos to get any feathers while i was in riverne :/

And this sunday morning my LS will need my help with some stuff. I'll find out the time for sure this wknd and will keep u guys updated. Send me a /tell if u see me online in case u need help with farming feathers.

1:55 AM, November 17, 2006  
Blogger Astara said...

Hey guys!

I hope to see you all tomorrow at 1pm! Let us know if theres an issue with that time :D

9:39 PM, November 18, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey guys,
let me know if this is still game for this sunday. Being a sunday on a tnxgiving weekend, some ppl might not make it coz of plans.

I can do it tho, i got nothing else better to do :P.

Post up guys.

10:16 PM, November 22, 2006  
Blogger Astara said...

Yeah im still keen and able.

11:04 PM, November 24, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welp, I thought I could make it back in time. I'm at my relatives house this weekend and I thought I could make it back to do CoP this Sunday. Unfortunately my plans were changed last minute. If at all possible can we move CoP back another week? I'm really sorry.

9:46 AM, November 25, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Syano brought up that we could do CoP missions on both saturday and sunday next weekend. If you guys are avaialable around 1pm EST on saturday we could get a bunch done then. Let me know if you can do saturday. Thanks

9:52 AM, November 25, 2006  
Blogger Odjaru said...

... sorry i havent been on much guys, lol, looking for work and all this 'real life' stuff kinda made me lose track of what's going on with ingame plans, not to mention i had a week where i couldnt get access to the internet, mainly since i wasnt at home. ><

... As with regards to the mission, Fenrir has a Dispel-type Debuff BP, not exactly accurate, but my Summoning Magic is capped for a lvl 50 cap, and i'll have some +Summoning Magic equips for that lvl (Basicly that means all my bps are boosted beyond normal standards, so hopefully i can land dispel without much worry)

10:05 PM, November 25, 2006  
Blogger Astara said...

No worries Narnia! Have an excellent Thanksgiving w/e! :D

Am still very much excited for the next mssion, and the 2 day event is cool for me. I cant wait to see ya'll again this week!

12:27 AM, November 26, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hope everyone had a god thnxgiving wknd! i was really looking forward to finish this mission. About this coming wknd, i wont be able to log on 'til after 1 or 2pm PST. Sunday same time is fine.

Also, I will be out of town for a month from the 7th December due to work+family visit. (><) I really wish i had a bit more time to play during this season.

Anyway, lets get 4-2 done this wknd!! Hope to catch up with you guys on sat. afternoon.

12:12 AM, November 27, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gooooo CoP!! lol
Sat afternoon is fine with me, we can start as soon as you get there as long as every1 is ok with it.

I got all my equip/meds ready for PM4-2 with 2 mistmelts. I am planning on going blm/rdm to hopefully get more int or enfeeb skills up. I haven't looked closely on the difference with /rdm and /whm.

See you guys in game.

8:36 PM, November 27, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol... i had my hand on the wrong Side of the keyboard... suamp?!?

8:37 PM, November 27, 2006  
Blogger Astara said...

I read that like "who the *** is Suamp!?"....and instantly thought "we're dooooooomed!"....thank god for typos SYANO =P

4:13 AM, December 01, 2006  
Blogger Odjaru said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

11:45 PM, December 01, 2006  
Blogger Odjaru said...

... lol, hmmm, i do hope we can do this on the saturday (sunday morn' for me and Astara.)
Because unbeknownst to me, i've been conscripted into a vaction thing, which were leaving for sometime on sunday, to sydney.
(later in the day of course, not first thing in the morning.)

i have no idea how long it's going to be either.. but i guess its to celebrate mine and my brother's brithdays.(being that our birthdays were only a week ago, different days of course, just close by coincidence lol.)

But yeah, i'm just hoping this doesnt clash with our CoPin' plans too much ><, cause i really wanted to do this mission this weekend too.

11:47 PM, December 01, 2006  
Blogger Odjaru said...

(... Deleted a post, computer is currently lagging to shit, and for some reason double posted. lol)

11:49 PM, December 01, 2006  
Blogger Astara said...

Ok guys only less than 10 hours until we are due to gather togather so just wanted to post a few last things >>>

1) Lets gather togather in the Safehold at 1pm (5am for me and Odj) sharp with all the mistmelts traded and equip/meds ready to go! I have work at 10am and therefore we must be done within 4 hours in total...which should be very easy if everyone is ready to go at or before the time stated :D

2) Please read over the guide linked on the main page at least once more to get a refresher.

Otherwise its full systems GOGO and I bet we're all excited as heck!!! See you soon!

12:27 AM, December 02, 2006  

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