Saturday, December 02, 2006

Mission 4-2 POSTPONED again

UPDATE:::: The meeting time is now 11am EST (3am for Astara and 2:30am for Odjaru) and everyone is required to be ready to go at Riverine on the hour!
See you all soon!


We have once again postponed the 4-2 Ouryu fight until the regular meeting time TOMORROW Sunday 3/12/06 at 11aEST (New York time), 5am Monday for Astara, and 4:30am Monday for Odjaru.

This meet is time critical as we will only have 3.5 hours to complete as I have work at 9am, however since its only a single BCNM we should have no troubles if everyone arrives on time and completely PREPARED ready to fight. There will be NO time for late stragglers, gear muling, meds buying etc. You must be at Riverine Site at the exact meeting time. WE GATHER TOGETHER AT RIVERINE at 11AM SHARP =P Do Not log in at the Safehold and expect us to wait as you prepare.

If Narnia or someone can get in contact with Garybaker and let him know then we may be able to start the mission earlier at 11am. Everyone is required to respond to this post with confirmation of reading the entire message and the required times/prep needed by the determined meeting time. At the moment assume the meeting time is 1pm, but please check throughout the morning to be sure it has not been chnaged to an earlier slot!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, I talked to Garybaker he's all set for 11am EST. So we are all a go for the morning. As long as Odj can join us we should be good. See you all in riverne B no later than 11am EST.

5:43 PM, December 02, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK see u all then!!!!!!!

9:17 PM, December 02, 2006  
Blogger Astara said...

Sound's fantastic! That will give us just over 5 hours so plenty of time! Good job Narnia!! :D

9:48 PM, December 02, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Down with Ouryu!!

10:19 PM, December 02, 2006  
Blogger Odjaru said...

... I told 'em where to stick this vacation, so I aint goin' anymore..

I'll see you all in Riverne~

1:01 AM, December 03, 2006  

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