Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Attention! Attention! Seeking all Shintaro's!!!

Attention all faithful viewers!!

The OneByOne Shiva static group is on the lookout for a lost child by the name of Shintaro. Last seen defeating the fat dragon, has since been rumoured to be in Asia undertaking highly secret CIA missions for Homeland security!
Seen here in this classified picture, if any sightings are confirmed please contact any member immediately! Reward offered!!!!!!

Otherwise, see you all on Sunday ( Insert secret handshake here!!! )


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey guys i'm so sorry i had no internet access for the last few weeks. I'm actually on a short assignment for work. This was a short notice thing and i dont even know exactly when i'll be done. Please continue the adventure without me because i'd like to find out more of the story. I'll be checking your progress here through this site so Astara please keep up the good work!! i'll be able to play for a few hrs here and there once i get my pc back next week.

again, sorry for keep u all waiting.

3:21 AM, January 13, 2007  
Blogger Astara said...

Hooray! Well its great to hear from you Shin! I'm not sure how everyone else feels about continuing on but I will let them all know (though everyone SHOULD be checking here often by now *grumble grumble*!!!)

Hope work goes well and maybe you will still have a chnace to catch up when youre free again! Will keep you posted!

6:36 AM, January 13, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok maintenance is on our regularly scheduled meeting time so I say we gather together as soon as maintenance is over. We'll go from there. I got temporary help for tomorrow.

9:21 PM, January 13, 2007  

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