Monday, January 22, 2007

Mission 5-3: Three Paths Preperation!

This mission is by far the longest of all CoP missions post prommies. It contains two dungeons, an uncapped NM, and three BC style fights. To start off this mission:

**Head to the Metalworks and talk to Cid (H-8) to get started.
It doesn't matter what path you choose when you talk to Cid; we don't have to start that fork first as we can be working on more than one section at a time. It's advisable that everyone do the opening CS of all three paths during the week so that when we get together we can focus on the fights without using much group time running around for CS!

So here I will post all 3 paths steps in no fancy order..... Prepare for the spam!!! (yes you 'could' just read these at the guides website but meh)

Tenzen's Path

Ulmia's Path

Louverance Path

I think our best bet is for everyone to complete the CS's for all three mission paths throughout the week and on our next weekly event we should complete the Louverance Path first as a group. With everyone completing the pre-group cs's we can gather together and head to the Moblin BCNM, farm the keys needed (or solo through week if need be) and close this path off pretty fast.

From there we can tackle Tenzen's Path by running the maze gauntlet, killing the Disaster Idol and finsihing off both legs in the one meet. These 2 legs should take about 4 hours to complete (or much less if everyone is primed and ready to go hard and work together).

The following week we can spend some time farming cluster cores in Riverine or Halvung Staging Point and get us some salts (and save the gil for buying narnia 16 Thief Tools =P). According to somepage, the clusters are a 100% drop from the bomb clusters (confirmation anyone?) so we could always do this during the week like we did for the mistmelts quest or spend an hour on the meeting time before we started the final leg of the mission.

Either way tackling the two easier ones seems the best bet before we face off against the nasty Snoll! Any suggestions/ideas??


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This sounds like a good order to do. Snoll Tzar has been every1's problem so better off giving us some time prepping for that fight... Clusters off of Mount Zhayolm can be duo'd by BLM easy. Although I never tried it solo, I might give it a try and see if it can be done, if so, awesome!

Hey Narnia, is Kyli still up to join us now or what's his plan? I know our DRG friend yesterday was willing to join us, if so, Kyli have tank job he can join us with in that character?

8:57 AM, January 22, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kylidon has 2/3 paths complete he needs the snoll fight. I have already farmed up 8 cluster cores for that fight. I have fishing skill lvl'd and am planning to spend some time trying to fish up the stuff for the mithra fight. Kylidon has nin to 75 and has it meritted too. So I'll ask if he can do as nin.

2:27 PM, January 22, 2007  
Blogger Astara said...

Yeah Syano we could totally duo the clusters after the following weeks missions if you and the others want. Being so close to the Runic Portal will mae this very easy to do one night next week before we meet up.

2:27 PM, January 22, 2007  
Blogger Astara said...

:O exact same time post narnia! hehe

8!? all right!! Still it may be a good idea to grab some extra salts just in case we need a few tries as from all accounts this bitch sucks!

So darn excited!!!!!

2:29 PM, January 22, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fished up 1 item for mithra fight. Going for 2 more.
I know it should be an easy fight anyway, but this will just make it a no loss situation.

7:51 PM, January 22, 2007  
Blogger Astara said...

GOGOGO Narnia! Kitty fishing power +1!!

10:55 PM, January 22, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cutscene's are almost done... just have to Ulmia's path, all this travelling is taking way too long!!

anyway, about this weekend, are you guys available to do the mission on saturday instead? something came up on sunday that is unavoidable.... please post your thoughts

also (>,<), next weekend, feb4, i will be on a snowboarding trip... can we get that weekend off on CoP? I know narnia has been farming/fishing the hell out of the items for CoP and we're getting geared up... i can come both at blm,whm lvl60 now also, watever is needed... but i will be back monday/tuesday after that weekend

9:50 AM, January 24, 2007  
Blogger Astara said...

Im unable to make it Saturday due to work :( So if its unavoidable I guess that means we have another 2 weeks off?

2:27 AM, January 25, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

(;.;) sorry guys, i've had this plans for a while now but just forgot about telling you guys sooner...

you guys can always go on without me >,<

4:39 PM, January 25, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's fine. I don't mind. Stuff happens and truthfully this is all just a game. This will just give us more time to prepare for the future.

6:15 PM, January 26, 2007  
Blogger Astara said...

Narnia said...
It's fine. I don't mind. Stuff happens and truthfully this is all just a game. This will just give us more time to prepare for the future.


10:32 PM, January 27, 2007  
Blogger Odjaru said...

... I'm going to be out of town for a few days, starting from tomorrow. Now, im not sure if this'll be a problem or not, but as with the nature of my leave, a few days may be prolonged, while im hoping this is not the case, im giving you all fair warning now. a week before hand.

7:36 PM, February 03, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm gonna be out of town til Saturday. I won't have access to internet til then so hopefullly we'll be on for this Sunday. Had many volunteers for help if we aren't quite 6/6 we should be able to find help pretty quick. Hope to see you guys this Sunday.

4:55 PM, February 07, 2007  
Blogger Odjaru said...

... Alright, i'm back, so were good to go! :D Bring on the bloodshed... or maybe just give me sea access /nod /nod.

5:40 AM, February 10, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sunday 8am pst then? /Yawn/

7:47 AM, February 10, 2007  
Blogger Astara said...

Wha? Gather together at normal time right of 1pm EST or did I miss something? O_O;;;

Let's keep it to the regular meet time incase ppl havent seen the post, otherwise sms/call/email me to let me know if its changed!

sms : +61 0431172082

Anyway im off to bed now so I wont see any of you till I wake up at 5am for the mission so if its changed CONTACT MT prz :P <3

2:47 AM, February 11, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hello all, syano asked me to join and i gladly accepted. im on mithra /snoll and i have the other 2 patch completed. i will gladly help with any of the previous ones. what time on Sundays do you meet up?

10:49 PM, February 11, 2007  
Blogger Astara said...

Hello Grim!

Nice to meet you and a hearty /welcome to you! The following Sunday we will be undertaking the final leg of the mission 5-3 (Ulmias) the one with the Snoll/ MIthra trackers etc.

We gather together at 1pm EST Sunday promptly and are ready to go on the dot so we can maximise our time for strats etc and so to have a more fun and relaxed event :D

What jobs over 60 do you have for future reference?

P.S: I update this blog after each event to give everyone a full week to prepare for the following weekends event and give us plenty of time to discuss the best strategies/setup/etc so check ofen for member postings and all will be sweet!

3:43 AM, February 12, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

unfortunatly WAR is all i have to offer, however im very confidant in saying im an excelent warrior, and im sure i can fill any need you guys have. i have tank gear also, for this situations.

sundays at 1pm is perfect for me, i'll see you guys then. are we gathering @ attowa chasim, or do you guys have a specific meeting area?

1:03 AM, February 14, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i should also mention, my aim name is punksrulenyc. its on 24/7 pretty much, so if you need to reach me leave a comment there, its the fastest way to reach me.

i also noticed some phone numbers, heres mine

347-604-1382. again my phone is always on, leave a message if i dont answer. im on EST time, and generally wake up to my phone so. if there is a spur of the moment thing, feel free to call.

1:06 AM, February 14, 2007  

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