Sunday, February 25, 2007

Airship Fight round 2~~!!!

Okay we may have needed a just a lil more practice but you know how it goes, dry run ftw everytime!! Next week Odj will be away so we are re-scheduling the next attempt for Sunday week. That is Sunday March 11th at 1pm EST.
This will give everyone 14 days to prepare, farm new pumps, and read read read as many guides and ask as many ls buddies for any strategies that will secure us an easy win next time. We have the man power, we just need to tighten our game to suceed!!
Have a good mini-break and we will see you all very soon!!


Blogger Astara said...

Oooh btw right this moment im levelling Ranger incase we decide for me to go Sam/Rng for ranged ws spamga. If anyone hears of a useful tip please let everyone know.

On another note if anyone wants to hook up for chip farming etc plz post times here and organise with your fellow ls mates. :D

6:14 PM, February 25, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ill do what i can to lvl a rng'd attack, but i don't think i will be able to get it high enough to be useful in the time given.

6:34 AM, February 26, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sup guys,
Just some thought on the airship fight.

After a few attempts @ the mammets, i think we got it down, our last atttempt was almost flawless; although Omega gave us the time of our lives with the last fight. I don't know about anybody else, but as a WHM with full MP gears, MP food, yag drinks, I didnt' have enuff MP to cure all 3 melees and narnia (altho she was out of range most of the time, she was still caught on some aoe)... I had no time to rest watsoever... I saw Odjaru help me cure a couple of times but idk to wat extent or how much MP he used for it.... Then Ultima... same issue here but I was using more MP quicker than the Omega fight... Ultima's hits are more fatal and takes more MP... when Kyli died, i was on midcast for a Hi-Ether and couldn't cancel on time... I think for next I will be bringing vile-elixir for MP restore next time coz Ultima was tough!!

I think leaving Kyli on his own to tank O/U with everybody else out of range is a good idea so all I have to worry about is Hasting him and curing/erasing/etc, and melee job to just gain tp through range, in, dump TP, range, etc... idk how doable is that for Ast and Grim to be accurate enuff to hit but just some thought on the idea...

either that or maybe get Astara to be SMN to help with curing and help with some Avatar dmg... I still here BLM is good here but with Odj going SMN, it might still work, i personally don't know how SMN do with these fights...

I'm still @ RDM40 atm ... hopefully I'll get this high enough to be usefull at the fight ... Chainspell ftw!!, convert for quick MP, refresh, dispel, etc.... although no stona

Please some though on strat

3:38 PM, February 28, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

also i noticed, we didn't have a good plan/time to use our CCB Polymer, they were sporatic and more on "Oh shit, I gotta use it coz ("T") is going crazy!!"

I think we gotta set up CCB use on time whether or not O/U is going crazy... heck we'll have 6 of them!... maybe @ 30% and 15%? or 3rd on 5% if still not down?--although some1 need to call that coz i don't have that windower thing

3:53 PM, February 28, 2007  
Blogger Astara said...

Completely agree with all you said Sy! I've decided ill be coming as SMN/WHM next time so that I can still effectively DD and help cure/raise etc. With the majority of us out of the aoe/dmg range this fight should be much smoother!

5:18 PM, February 28, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ranged attacks for me are all but usless. there i no way i can get this skilled up high enough to be usfull.

however i was thinking maybe war/thf.

i can TA onto our nin. shadows didnt do a whole hell of a lot for me since there is alot of AOE, my shadows were down 80% of the time anyway. raging rush + TA i think would go nicly with keeping the damn thing on him, also i feed alot less TP with greataxe then i do with duel axes.

8:14 PM, March 01, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

woot!!! no exp loss with this update ... hell yea lol

anyway... 2.5 hrs ... 4.5 hrs.... 6+ hrs... 7+ hrs.... unknown... POL-1160 ... >> [[Retry]].... Downloading the latest version's information... 2% .... 5 min later.... @ 2% still...


4:36 PM, March 07, 2007  
Blogger Astara said...

HAHA OMG me too!! Its simply the sheer volume of users slamming the site at the same time that kills the feed. and the NO EXP loss thing is THE SHIT!!!!

Too bad were almost done ><;;; Now all the noobs that can barely skillchain will throw themselves like spam against a wall and get to sea w/out any trouble ... I love/hate you sometimes SE!

5:44 PM, March 07, 2007  
Blogger Odjaru said...

... Alrighty, i'm good to go this weekend, and yeah, SMN/WHM sounds good, BLM did deal some alright damage, yet would pull hate off a ninja quick easily, so the overall DD/Hate control rate means less damage over time, probably the same damage a smn would do if you think about it. So yeah, ill give smn a shot, I've got merits so i shouldnt be too bad :P (with no exp loss :3 43,999/44,000 and going to stay that way /cheer)

9:08 PM, March 08, 2007  
Blogger Astara said...

Ok just final checks for tomorrow so everyone PLEASE REPLY if you have all prep done:

1) Job ready
2) Pump ready
3) Meds ready
4) strat ready

If yes to all 4 then we are set! If any questions about tomorrow ask now so we are set to go at 1pm EST sharp ^^

4:12 PM, March 10, 2007  
Blogger Odjaru said...

... /sigh. Technical Difficulties: 1 Odjaru: 0 -.-. Got up this morning, and what do i know, we have no power, so i sat around waiting for it to come back on.. (it never did, so i fell asleep again..) Turns out there had been a pretty bad car accident on my street, but further down, we lost power til around 10 am ><. Sorry guys, not a lot I could have done, yet I still feel bad ><.

10:59 PM, March 11, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i guess i will be the barer of bad news... we got sea. we finished tenzen around 1030pm est.

4:11 PM, March 12, 2007  
Blogger Astara said...

Hey guys, I plan on updating the website 'sometime' this week but im just real busy finding a job for now so please stay posted for new mission info etc!!

4:19 PM, March 12, 2007  

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