Monday, January 22, 2007

Mission 5-3: Three Paths Preperation!

This mission is by far the longest of all CoP missions post prommies. It contains two dungeons, an uncapped NM, and three BC style fights. To start off this mission:

**Head to the Metalworks and talk to Cid (H-8) to get started.
It doesn't matter what path you choose when you talk to Cid; we don't have to start that fork first as we can be working on more than one section at a time. It's advisable that everyone do the opening CS of all three paths during the week so that when we get together we can focus on the fights without using much group time running around for CS!

So here I will post all 3 paths steps in no fancy order..... Prepare for the spam!!! (yes you 'could' just read these at the guides website but meh)

Tenzen's Path

Ulmia's Path

Louverance Path

I think our best bet is for everyone to complete the CS's for all three mission paths throughout the week and on our next weekly event we should complete the Louverance Path first as a group. With everyone completing the pre-group cs's we can gather together and head to the Moblin BCNM, farm the keys needed (or solo through week if need be) and close this path off pretty fast.

From there we can tackle Tenzen's Path by running the maze gauntlet, killing the Disaster Idol and finsihing off both legs in the one meet. These 2 legs should take about 4 hours to complete (or much less if everyone is primed and ready to go hard and work together).

The following week we can spend some time farming cluster cores in Riverine or Halvung Staging Point and get us some salts (and save the gil for buying narnia 16 Thief Tools =P). According to somepage, the clusters are a 100% drop from the bomb clusters (confirmation anyone?) so we could always do this during the week like we did for the mistmelts quest or spend an hour on the meeting time before we started the final leg of the mission.

Either way tackling the two easier ones seems the best bet before we face off against the nasty Snoll! Any suggestions/ideas??

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Mission 5-1 & 2: Enduring Tumult of War/ Desires of Emptiness preperation!

This Sunday we finally progress into Chapter 5. This is by far the LONGEST and most intense mission of the lot. Parts 1 and 2 are relatively normal, but mission part 3 is long long long.

For this weeks event we will gather together at 1pm EST as per usual but not in Tavnazia but Aht Urghan for direct tele to Xarcabard. From speaking with narnia, we have started to decide which job combos would be best. However, I will let Narnia and Syano decide which is best and have them post thier ideas in this post.

So, for this weeks mission we will knock over missions 1 and 2 and begin the next mission next week. However... This mission is kinda longer than normal. It can and may take up to 5 hours. So knowing that Narnia and Sy have Dynamis commitments we may 'want' to start a bit earlier. Anyway post what you think!

So---- On with the walkthroughs!
Mission Name: 5-2 - Desires of Emptiness
Locations: Pso'Xja, Promyvion-Vazhl
Level Cap: uncapped NM in Pso'Xja, 50 cap for Vazhl
Estimated Time: 4-6 hours. Long long long.
Special Items: Anima still works on the bosses
Medicines Needed: Normal BC meds. Mages should bring echo drops for the climb. NINs and RNGs bring more tools and arrows than they think they should need.
Brief synopsis: Defeat a regening NM to gain access to Promyvion – Vazhl. Once inside, defeat Memory Receptacles to progress up and check Memory Fluxs for minibosses. At the top fight all three Promyvion bosses, one after another.

*Head to Northern San d'Oria and talk to Chasalvige at L-6 and he'll tell you to investigate a port.
*Head to Port San d'Oria and talk to Anoki at H-6 and he'll say that he say he hasn't seen anything that you describe.

*Zone into Port Bastok for a cutscene.
*Head to Metalworks and talk to Cid at H-8 for a cutscene.
*Zone into Pso'Xja from Beaucedine Glacier at F-7 for a cutscene.
*This Pso'Xja tower is uncapped. Follow the path forward until you will find a stone door, which, when checked, spawns an NM Golem named Nunyunuwi.
>>>> This NM has approximately 3500 HP, though offset by an innate Auto Regen trait that restores 100 HP per tick. If improperly handled, this effect can draw the battle out indefinitely. As a result, Nunyunuwi is often defeated with as much damage in as short a period as possible. Among the methods known (or theorized to be) effective are:
· Level 3 Darkness Skillchains at 300% TP
· Use of Ancient Magic in Magic Bursts, or coupled with layering of DOT effects like Poison II and Bio II
· Use of high-level SMN Blood Pacts (when melee or additional SMN support is available).
· This NM is known soloable by some jobs at or over Level 74 (MNK, BLM, RDM). Soloing at slightly lower levels may be possible.
*When Nunyunuwi is defeated, check the door to move past it.
*It is advisable to cast Sneak or use a Silent Oil then head down the elevator.
*Check the Stone Door for a cutscene. *You will arrive in Promyvion - Vahzl, where you will get another cutscene.
Mission Orders
The airship piloted by Louverance did not arrive in San d'Oria, but Port Bastok. How much longer will Nag'molada wait for your arrival at the northwestern tower of Pso'Xja?

From here on is the recommended mission walkthrough for Promyvion Vahzl....

· Promyvion - Vahzl is like the earlier Promyvions, but with greater difficulty. It is five levels instead of four, and the mobs are stronger to match.
· Promyvion - Vahzl is capped at level 50, so be sure to bring the appropriate gear.
· On levels three, four, and five, you will have to search for Memory Flux gates. They will spawn NMs; these are mandatory fights and required to proceed with the mission. The one on the third floor is a Propagator (Gorger type), on the fourth floor, a Solicitor (Craver type), and on the fifth floor, a Ponderer (Thinker type with AOE Sleep so bring poison pots). After you defeat each NM, check the Memory Flux a second time for a cutscene. Then heal up and search for the next Memory Receptacle.
· If you have a Paladin tank, make sure they don't eat defense food when you're getting close to Ponderer. If it absorbs a Tavnazian Taco and Protect it is almost impossible to hurt with melee attacks.
· Each time you get the cutscene, you’re given the option to warp to that Memory Flux from the gate in Pso'Xja. So, after you beat a Memory Flux, you can resume there later without starting over.
· If you don’t defeat all three Memory Flux NMs and get the cutscenes at those areas, you will not be able to cross to the Web of Recollections within the Spire of Vahzl.
· Enter the Web of Recollections and be prepared to face each of the earlier Promyvion bosses one at a time. From left to right, they are Procreator (Gorger type), Cumulator (Craver type), and Agonizer (Thinker type).
· You can choose which boss to fight first; the next boss in the sequence will then aggro when the previous is at about 20% HP.

Strategy tips
· As with all Empty, their elements will be random. Make sure to note the bosses' elements so as not to cast spells that will be ineffective.
· The next boss in the sequence will always aggro when the current boss is at 20% HP. Delay this mob with Terroanima and/or Bind/Shadowbind until you can finish off the weakened mob.
· If your party has a full set of anima, use one Psychoanima/Hysteroanima pair at about 50%, and a second at about 25% on each boss. If you only have one set per boss, use it at 25%.
· Watch out for Cumulator's Impalement early on. If it kills the tank, it's probably easier to leave the BC and try again.
· Any Offspring Procreator spawns will die when it dies, so just finish it off to get rid of the Offspring.
· Agonizer continues to be the strongest. Save resources (2-hours, MP, etc.) for finishing it quickly. Cast "dummy" buffs; use Poison Potions if you brought any.
· The tank must not eat defense food until Agonizer is dead. If you have a Paladin tank, pulling Agonizer first allows them to use food for the other two bosses.
· When the Spire battle is cleared, head out to Beaucedine Glacier and talk to the three Tarutaru in the tower at (I-7).

It's very intense at first but if we can communicate ideas thru the week we should be more than set for a great mission!! See you Sunday!

Mission 4-4: Slanderous Utterings

Before we can venture into the depths of Promyvion once more, there are a few minor cutscenes you need to undertake in Tavnazia.

* Head to the top floor of the Tavnazian Safehold and go behind the Walnut Door towards Despachiaire (K-10) for a cutscene.
* Head to the basement of Tavnazian Safehold and zone into Sealion's Den. Inspect the Iron Gate at (H-6) to end the mission.

Mission Orders
Appalled that Prishe would even think of laying her hands on the statue of Promathia, the elder, Despachiaire, has called her to his quarters for punishment. If Prishe is banished from the safehold, you may be unable to retrieve the amulet you need to find the fourth mothercrystal.

Mission 4.3 and Chapter 4 Complete!~! Congratulations

With help from 2 new friends Havian and Celyme we were able to undertake the mission with very few troubles....except for my 30 minute intermission as "Mr. fix it-cable man" decided to cut my phone line for repairs without warning leaving the team dooomed-- well a tincy bit worried anyways (*._.)

Luckily Narnia and Syano had already farmed the two Coral Crest keys necessary for unlocking the ah..locked door in Sacrarium. So with these precious tools in hand we ventured ever deeper into the fabled dungeons commonly likened to the depths of hell by many a weary adventurer. While avoiding the wrath of the evil 'Taurs we came across the King of the realm ... Keremet himself.
With a bolt unseen Narnia threw her might against the evil Corse and hurried back into the safety of the entrance tunnel to his chamber where lying in wait was a group of elite fighters and mages ready to quash his dreams of Sarutab...err World Domination!!

The battle was draining and in the peak of the ferocity the evil Corse turned the band of friends against one another, turning our newly found comrade Celyme against me leading me to fall upon my blade in the ultimate sacrifice. The quick actions of the few among us, namely Syano and Odjaru, ensured we would not give in to the evil ones wishes. And so he fell and we rejoiced.
Alas, the battle was merely half way through for we saw the face of our true enemy, the old and wise NM Old Professor Mariselle and his two demonic pupils. What a treacherous fiend he was indeed. With crafty teleportation and sleepga attacks he proved a worthy adversary for the skilled OnebyOne team. However, with tight team skills he stood no chance and he was quickly dispatched where we claimed our reward and headed back to Tavnazia to continue our paths to Sea....onebyone.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Mission 4.3 and Chapter 4 Complete!~! Congratulations

Sunday, January 14, 2007

SE shoots our static plans in the foot!

Ok I'm In now! FFXI is Live again! See you in game!

Ok Drama rant go!

It seems at 1pm EST SE is undertaking a 3 hour maintenance just to piss us off! It starts at exactly 1pm and is scheduled to finish at 4pm, however I contacted POL and they said it 'should' be complete by 3~3:30pm!

Soooo our options are:

1) Arrive at 3ish pm and get straight into the mission as soon as POL is live again and get as much done as possible in this time frame rememebring that we now no longer need to farm 2 of the three keys.

2) Postpone...again.

I personally have nothing planned after our missions, however its understandable that some members will have pre-set plans. Please point out which option you would like to do!

I will be on at 3pm EST and see where everyone stands! Hope to see you all today at 3.


Saturday, January 13, 2007

Mission 4-3 The Secrets of Worship IS LIVE

Ok guys!

It's official we are go for tomorrow's event at 1pm! We will gather together in Tavnazian Safehold at 12:30pm~1pm sharp. Please try to be ready to move out at 1pm on the dot to get as much done as possible!

Please read over the walkthroughs provided in the preperation post last week and bring all neccesary meds/foods etc. If any difficulties aris ebefore the alotted metting time PLEASE notify us via this forum and contact a sttaic member as per usual.

Otherwise see you tomorrow, bright eyed and bushy tailed!!!!!!! :D

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Attention! Attention! Seeking all Shintaro's!!!

Attention all faithful viewers!!

The OneByOne Shiva static group is on the lookout for a lost child by the name of Shintaro. Last seen defeating the fat dragon, has since been rumoured to be in Asia undertaking highly secret CIA missions for Homeland security!
Seen here in this classified picture, if any sightings are confirmed please contact any member immediately! Reward offered!!!!!!

Otherwise, see you all on Sunday ( Insert secret handshake here!!! )

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

MIssion 4-3 The Secrets of Worship preperation

Happy New Year to all!! I hope you all had a great big boozy holiday =P

It seems mostly agreed that we will be starting up our static meetings from this Sunday at 1pm EST (5am for Astara, 4:3oam for Odjaru). However if this clashes with plans anyone has please post asap so we can re-schedule. I think Shin may still be away so we will see if we can make contect with him too!

OK so on with prep!! :D

Mission Name: 4-3 - The Secrets of Worship
Locations: Sacrarium, Misrareux Coast
Level Cap: 50
Estimated Time: 4 hours
Special Items: Coral Crest and Sealion Crest keys found inside Sacrarium
Difficulty: Medium.
Medicines Needed: Normal BC meds: potions on tanks, yags on mages. Poison potions and echo drops. Silent oils.

The best guide I've found for this mission is at >>


It seems like a pretty simple mission that isn't really all that job specific which makes it good. The largest time-consuming part will be farming the Coral Crest keys x 2 from The Fomors and resetting hate. From everyone I have asked, this step is mandatory to ensure a success otherwise we will have Fomor hate coming out our ears when we return :S

Sooooooo with that!! See you all so soon!!!