Monday, February 12, 2007

Mission 5-3 'Ulmia's Path' Ready ... Set ... Go~!

So here we are finally at the end of the mission 5 with just 2 more battles to go until we hit mission 6! We left off the last event with neither of the Tenzen or Louverance paths completed 100% as both required a return to both Pso'Xja and the Mine Shaft for closing Cs's.

Sooo the first thing for everyone to do is complete those legs before next Sunday and ill post the methods here for you....

Tenzens Path:
- Head back to Pso'Xja, entering the tower closest to Batallia Downs at H-10. This area has a level cap of 60.
- Here you need to make it to the elevator in the middle of a vertical maze. Use Silent Oil and Prism Powder here.
- Follow the wall on your right all the way around the outside of the map until you get back to (I-8), then turn west and drop down. Go south into a hallway which leads to the next room, then turn right to face North. The elevator should be visible.
- Once you reach the Elevator make sure that you have sneak and invisible up as again there are Diremites, Pots and a Goblin at the bottom.
- Check the Avatar Gate for a cutscene.
- Talk to Cid in Metalworks for a cutscene.

Louverance Path:
- Head back to the Metalworks, and speak with Cid twice, choosing "Investigate Al'Taieu" when you speak to him the second time.
- Farm one Gold Key per person from the lower level Moblins in Newton Movalpolos.
- Head back to Mine Shaft #2716 and trade the Gold Key to the BC entrance for another cutscene.
- Return to the Metalworks and talk to Cid again for a cutscene, ending this fork.


From here we will all be ready to tackle the final leg of Mission 5 so pleassssse get this all done before Sunday 1pm EST!

Three posts ago I added the links for each leg so scroll down and open the Ulmia's Path to refresh your memories as to what we need to do before and during the leg. Pleade remember this leg also has preliminary cutscenes that must be completed before the BCNMs.

This Sunday we will gather together in Whitegate and head out to Boneyard Gully together as a party to the the LEVEL 50 CAP BCNM fight against the Mithran Trackers.

With Odjaru and Astara as Summoners using 2x Astral Flow at the very beginning will according to all accounts render the Mithran almost dead and would only require short melee until the next SMN AF can be used. However feel free to post strats in the response link as im leaving the options wide open for anyone to provide insight.

After we succeed its off to another BCNM against the fated Snoll Tzar at the Bearclaw Pinnacle where we will all need our 2 hours to win, however it will likely take us that time to reach there and go over strats/dry run etc.

The biggest issue this week is making sure we have enough Shu'Meyo Salts gained from the quest Bomb's Away! which will greatly increase our chances of success (much like the Mistmelts used in Ouryu!). At the moment I have 1 salt but I guess everyone will need 1 as they are rare/ex. Can we only hold 1 Narnia?

Anyway it seems all very straight-forward this week as long as everyone has read up on the mission, BCNM fights, obtained thier salts, and are confident! :D If need be we can spend a short time next Sunday farming Cluster Cores for the salts as they are a garuanteed drops from Bomb Clusters on Mt. Zyhalom (spl?) and will only take a short amount of time if we do it as a group (possibly between the BCNM's).

Just to feed your excitement.... only 3 more group fights until we touch down under the deepest depths of the sea.....1 month or less!!! {Excitement!}


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have 8 cluster cores. And I have a blackened Siredon. Probably won't need it against the mithra with smn x2 but got it anyway.

6:39 AM, February 13, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cluster Cores are not rare/ex but quest item is. It takes two cluster cores to make a salt. I have 8 cluster cores so that is enough for 4 salts. Astara already has the salt, so basically we are 5/6 on salts atm. I figure we can do salt while we are waiting for our two hours to reset before the Snoll fight. It takes 12 seconds for a salt to be used so we have to pay very close attention to that detail. I'll keep you guys posted throughout the week.

6:44 AM, February 13, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I also have 2 cluster cores... wow 6/6. we prolly won't need but 2-3 but haha... it won't... souvenir and such

8:00 AM, February 13, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

so on sunday, i will log @ Boneyard Gully before logging @ saturday night... I will be there on sunday around gather time... gonna meet my gf's dad ><... fun fun so might be a LITTLE late, i'll do my bess to dodge out of there and start drinking some alkys lol

2:48 PM, February 14, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i will be logged at the BC or at leaste attowa chasim for this. would you like me to come as a ghetto PLD or as a DD?

3:43 PM, February 14, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

/sigh/ I know this is last minute again... is there a possibility we can do a saturday morning run instead? something came up again >,>...

[I'm sorry. I'm busy right now.] >,>

5:35 PM, February 15, 2007  
Blogger Astara said...

As per everyweek Sy I work all day Sunday my time (which is when we meet) so it's a no go for me sorry.

6:32 AM, February 17, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yea Sunday is best for me too but I"m just trying to see if we have alternative days... I'm usually free sundays except this coming one

if it's okay with you guys to put it off til next sunday again that will be great, but it's up to you guys

11:21 AM, February 17, 2007  
Blogger Astara said...

I guess again we must postone it till next Sunday. Being so close to sea now, I assume everyone is increasingly more and more excited to obtain access so we need to try and set aside Sunday's so that we can get it asap.

As always RL > game events, I just hope we can nip these constant interruptions in the bud :D

See ya'll next Sunday and we better be 1/1 on Snoll no excuses now! :P

10:04 PM, February 17, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like we back on for today. Just a little bit later. See you guys at 4pm est.

7:55 AM, February 18, 2007  

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